Bone Spurs/Osteophytes
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What are Bone Spurs or Osteophytes?
In medical terminology, bone spurs are also known as osteophytes. A bone spur is a bony growth that develops most often where two or more bones meet. As these spurs develop and enlarge they can intrude on tissues and other surrounding structures. This can lead to mild, moderate, or intense pain in the impacted areas.
We have answers and options to relieve pain from Herniated Discs, Disc Bulges, Spinal Stenosis, Sciatica, Pinched Nerve, Annular Disc Tear, Degenerative Disc disease, Spondylosis/Spine Arthritis, Radiculopathy, Bone Spurs/Osteophytes and Facet Joint Syndrome.
Free Pain Screening Quiz
Pain presents itself in many different ways, at different times and in many cases is triggered by specific activities. Arizona Pain Treatment Centers will be happy to answer your questions in conjunction with a personal phone call follow up with one of our doctors. Please answer the questions as accurately as possible.
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Bone Spurs - Causes and Symptoms
What are the causes of Bone Spurs?
Bone spurs develop over time as the body ages. They are the body’s natural way of repairing itself when bones rub up against one another over time.
Bone spurs can develop on any bone in the body. The unique nature of the spine makes this a particularly bad place for the development of spurs as the spinal canal houses the spinal cord and the nerves. As the spurs grow they can begin to cause impingement (compression) of the spinal cord or nerves leading to pain, weakness, and functional difficulties.
What are the symptoms associated with Bone Spurs?
When associated with the spine, one may experience back or neck pain ranging from mild to extreme. Numbness, weakness, and difficulty moving may be symptoms of bone spurs.
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