Car Accident
Do you have pain from a auto accident?
Speak to our pain specialists to see what options are available for your auto related pain.
Schedule a Consultation
Speak to our team of Board-Certified Pain Management Specialists, Minimally Invasive Surgical Team and Pain Providers.
After the accident, then what?
We understand that following an auto accident you may experience a personal injury that results in whiplash, headaches, neck and arm pain, or back and leg pain. Some patients experience shoulder or knee pain. Other injuries that can occur from a car accident are TMJ Disorder and facial pain.
After the accident, you will more than likely have to deal with attorneys, insurance companies, auto repair shops and rental car agencies – and that can be stressful. We understand what your needs are and have years of experience in personal injury cases.
We are prepared to handle insurance paperwork for you, work with insurance companies and attorneys, coordinate medical care with other specialties, and schedule timely and convenient appointments.
Coordinated care between our providers makes it quick and easy to get all the treatment you need in one location. Our goal is to make treatment of your whiplash pain and injuries as efficient and painless as possible.
Chiropractic care, physical therapy and spine rehab, and spinal decompression are offered at our clinic. Proper treatment should include therapy to restore normal range of motion and strengthen injured tissues. Treatment at our pain clinic includes a complete exam and treatment plan, support and coordination of chiropractic care or physical therapy, and in some cases, injection medicine may be necessary to reduce inflammation and pain.
Keep in mind, if you are currently being treated by a Chiropractic Physician or Physical Therapist for your personal injury, our Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physicians will evaluate your condition and may recommend treatment in addition to the care you are currently receiving. Together, we are part of your recovery team.
What is Whiplash?

We have answers and options to relieve pain from Herniated Discs, Disc Bulges, Spinal Stenosis, Sciatica, Pinched Nerve, Annular Disc Tear, Degenerative Disc disease, Spondylosis/Spine Arthritis, Radiculopathy, Bone Spurs/Osteophytes and Facet Joint Syndrome.
Free Pain Screening Quiz
Pain presents itself in many different ways, at different times and in many cases is triggered by specific activities. Arizona Pain Treatment Centers will be happy to answer your questions in conjunction with a personal phone call follow up with one of our doctors. Please answer the questions as accurately as possible.
Free Pain Screening Quiz
Neck & Back Pain After Auto Accidents
Why can it take a few days for injuries and pain to set it?
When a traumatic experience like a car accident occurs, your body has the natural reaction to excrete a substance from your adrenal glands known as adrenaline. Adrenalin is your body’s natural pain killer that masks the immediate pain that is felt from a traumatic injury. As adrenaline slowly wears off, people then begin to feel the effects of the crash.
The areas most affected in an auto collision tend to be along the neck and the spine. From slipped and herniated discs to compression fractures and spinal cord damage, the types of back injuries possible in a car wreck are endless. These back injuries cause severe debilitating pain and can possibly keep you away from work and unable to care for your family. Therefore, it is always recommended that you visit a hospital immediately following a collision to make sure you are checked for possible injuries.
If you experience pain right away and go to the hospital, it is likely that the most they will do in the emergency room is take x-ray’s to ensure there aren’t any broken bones, prescribe you some pain medication and send you on your way. This is where most patients get “lost” as what to do next.
Be seen right away by a Spine Specialists!
It is important that you immediately take the next follow up with a spine specialist that accepts and is experienced in personal injury cases to seek further treatment. If the pain continues, an MRI test may be ordered which are much clearer than x-rays and will allow your team to observe and diagnose the problem associated with the accident. Additional test may be order to confirm injuries sustained from the accident.
There are many treatments that may be prescribed for a back injury following a collision including decompression therapy, chiropractic care, physical therapy, pain management, spine and orthopedic surgeries. Our team make the process easy and manages all points of care.
What To Expect
Since 1997, our multi-disciplinary team has been helping our community and changing lives.

Schedule a Phone Consultation with our Doctor
During your complimentary phone consultation with our Doctor, you will receive a personal one-on-one conversation about the symptoms you are currently experiencing and discover how we can be the perfect fit for you.

Receive an appointment date and time
This appointment is the next step in discovering the new treatments and procedures that we successfully offer every day. Our diverse team brings to you the latest techniques and an array of options for treatment.

Begin your new life of Health and Healing
Our care is ‘backed’ by our entire team and we are now ready to take amazing care of you! From Non-Surgical Procedures and Non-Steroidal Injections to custom Muscle Work Treatments, we promise you won’t be disappointed.
What is Personal Injury?
Personal injury describes any bodily injury caused in an accident and often includes whiplash, neck and back injuries. Personal Injury is also a term commonly used in legal arenas to describe the injury to a persons’ physical, mental and emotional being.
Medical personal injury is one where there are numerous cases brought to the court each year, this incorporates dental and medical where there can be proven negligence resulting in injury to the patient. In the medico-legal arena, we understand the importance of medical documentation and communicating with all parties involved in the case. We also accept and file medical liens when required.
We are happy to work with Primary Care Physicians, Emergency Room Doctors, Urgent Care Clinics, Orthopedic Surgeons, Spine Surgeons, Chiropractors, Dentists and Attorneys.
Types of Personal Injury
A sudden accident, no matter how trivial, can cause future chronic pain that will slowly erode the quality of life and are best treated as soon as possible. Our personal injury pain doctors are skilled at diagnosing and treating acute patient’s injuries before they develop into full-blown symptoms and chronic pain.
At AZPTC, treatment may include short term pain medication, physical therapy and conservative manual medicine for the neck, spine and extremities. In addition, if the nature of the injury indicates spinal injections or joint injections, our pain specialists will manage all aspects of patient care and aim to restore function and limit the injury induced pain before it is severe enough to limit activities of daily living. We encourage all patients involved in a personal injury to be proactive in their care and follow our step by step treatment plan at AZPTC.
The most common types of personal injury are:
• Motor Vehicle accident
• Work-based accident
• Slip and fall
• Accident in the home
• Accident due to product defect
• Holiday accident